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We’re proud of our grant and award programs because it allows us to support the amazing employees who make so much possible for our students!


Exceptional Faculty Award

Established in 1997, Exceptional Faculty Awards (EFA) recognize outstanding faculty, both full- and part-time, at both SCC and SFCC. Any faculty member, including librarians and counselors, administrator, exempt staff member, classified staff member, or student can submit a nomination.

More About the Exceptional Faculty Award


Saling Award

Each year, the Saling Awards for Excellence honors outstanding staff members at the Community Colleges of Spokane. Professional-Exempt employees and mid-level administrators (under the Vice President level) are eligible for nomination.

More about the Saling Award


Welty Award

Every year, one three-year, $50,000 award will be provided to the project that best focuses on emerging trends and regional needs and that emphasizes subject matter that students need now and in the future.

More about the Welty Award